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from http://marijuanacannabis.wordpress.com

1. “Ali G Show, Da” ( 2003 ) {Politics (#1.3)}

Ali G: What is the different types of hash out there? We all know that it’s called the bionic, the bomb, the puff, the blow, the black, the herb, the sensie, the cronic, the sweet Mary Jane, the shit, Ganja, split, reefa, the bad, the buddha, the home grown, the ill, the maui-maui, the method, pot, lethal turbo, tie, shake, skunk, stress, whacky, weed, glaze, the boot, dimebag, Scooby Doo, bob, bogey, back yard boogie. But what is the other terms for it?

2. Blow ( 2001 )

George: Danbury wasn’t a prison, it was a crime school. I went in with a Bachelor of marijuana, came out with a Doctorate of cocaine.

3. Half Baked ( 1998 )

Cocaine Addict: Marijuana is not a drug. I used to suck dick for coke. Now that’s an addiction. You ever suck some dick for marijuana?

4. “Strangers with Candy” ( 1999 ) {The Trip Back (#1.10)}

Geoffrey Jellineck: If you’re going to smoke Marijuana, be prepared to spend a lot of time laughing with your friends…. think about it.

5. Lords of Dogtown ( 2005 )

Sid: [smoking medicinal marijuana] I, uh, get it prescribed legally now. [hands him the joint] Heard you were sick, too.

6. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas ( 1998 )

L. Ron Bumquist: A dope fiend refers to the reefer butt as a roach, because, it resembles a cockroach.

7. Tell Your Children ( 1936 )

Opening crawl: The motion picture you are about to witness may startle you. It would not have been possible, otherwise, to sufficently emphasize the frightful toll of the new drug menace which is destroying the youth of America in alarmingly increasing numbers. Marihuana [stet] is that drug - a violent narcotic - an unspeakable scourge - The Real Public Enemy Number One!

8. Desperate Hippies ( 2005 )

Mary Jane: I remembered reading on the internet that if I smoked 1,256 bong riffs, the amount of THC would be enough to kill me.

9. Wages of Sin, The ( 1938 )

Florence Jones: That was Marihuana you were smoking! It’s worse than cocaine! See those two punks over there, Marge? They were high a minute ago. Now they’re getting low. Soon they’ll be mean, ready to commit murder. You Marihuana’s called the murder weed. Don’t you ever touch it again.

10. “Omnibus” ( 1967 ) {Fear and Loathing in Gonzovision}

Hunter S. Thompson: Right now I think its in my interest and ours perhaps and maybe in the interest of the greater good for me to smoke a joint and calm down.

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